Our Story


Erin Everett, tradition leader don David Wiley, and Adam Laufer at a ceremony in January 2021.

Learn how we were called by the weather.

Adam and Erin met in college at the end of 1993 and married in early 1994 in a whirl of drama and romance, pulled together by fate. Erin was drawn to this young man for mysterious reasons, but she knew she admired his sun-filled smile and his propensity and gifts for healing, dreaming and creating. This lovely lady’s perserverence and dedication to her healing journey attracted Adam like a moth to a flame.

Going back in time: as a youngster in 1988 trying to nap while a storm was blowing in, Erin was jolted off her bed by a giant crash and feeling of shock and energy that left her reeling and shaking. The lightning and the fire it produced, whipped up by the storm-wind, burned her family’s home to the ground that day in a torrential rainstorm. In time, she and her family picked up the pieces and moved on from that tragedy thanks to the selfless support and care of their country Appalachian community. She experienced many strange events and chronic, difficult-to-diagnose illness throughout her young life.

Fast-forward to 2002, when, upon learning of the lightning strike and several specific dreams, a trusted spiritual mentor advised Adam and Erin to go to Mexico to visit a teacher named David Wiley, who would take them to don Lucio Campos, a respected traditional shaman in the countryside of Central Mexico. When the moment came, don Lucio confirmed both of them were specially called to devote themselves to his ancient Nahua indigenous tradition, to become weather workers, known as quiatlzques and quiapaquiz in Nahuatl and tiemperos or graniceros in Spanish. Read more about our story, our tradition and our teachers…