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About Seeds of Tradition
Called by the weather…
Welcome to Seeds of Tradition! We are husband-and-wife team Adam Laufer and Erin Everett. Following the wise guidance and teachings of our elders, don Lucio Campos Elizalde and don David Wiley, we are tradition-holders in the timeless lineage of graniceros (also known by our traditional titles quiaquepiz and quiatlzques). In English, people of this tradition are known as weather workers. We are also traditional tepahtiani healers in this age-old lineage.
The elders of this living and active spiritual path of the Nahua people of the Central Highlands of Mexico initiate and train people like us who have been struck by lightning or otherwise specially called to lives of working with weather to benefit our communities and offering healing for individuals. We were initiated by don Lucio Campos Elizalde in May 2003, and we return to our homeland in Mexico multiple times each year to honor our commitments, celebrate the weather, learn from our elders, and renew and strengthen our ties to our tradition.
We join together with others of our tradition in the Asheville, NC, USA area to offer a celebration of weather and the bountiful harvest at our Traditional Weather Harvest Festival. This is a time, usually in September or October, when people from all walks of life from the Asheville and western NC area can join together to give thanks in a beautiful, practical and joyful way.
All year, we and our colleagues work for beneficial weather for the area in and around Asheville. Our work involves gratitude and giving back, elements in a universal language of ceremony that has its echoes in all authentic traditions of human beings.
Want to find balance in your or your community’s relationship with weather? Do you need healing for your body or spirit? Schedule an appointment, read our blog or join us for our fall Harvest Festival or our other events taking place throughout the year.