Healer Bios



Although husband-and-wife team Adam and Erin have not been reared in and lived their whole lives within a native village, they have been recognized and initiated by their elder, one of those original people.

In these strange times, in these new generations, traditional elders sometimes receive guidance to open their traditions and lineages to people outside their indigenous societies. Even in communities and cultures whose ancestors suffered death and destruction at the hands of Western people of the past, forgiveness, reciprocation, and the mysterious ways of Divine open up these ancient paths to people of today.

“Perhaps we may find our way to what is fundamental about being human and what is necessary to, once again, live good and fulfilling human lives that benefit our families and society...and build beneficial futures.” —Adam and Erin

Adam Laufer

Adam Laufer is an artist, a maker and a healer. His past experience includes teaching Iyengar yoga full-time and being a certified Polarity Therapist. Mysterious forces led him to be initiated with his wife, Erin, into an ancient Central Mexico lineage in 2003. His life is devoted to joyful (and only occasionally grumpy) service.

Adam's divine calling to heal has been recognized by multiple tradition-holders. He opens his doors to provide healing sessions in the Asheville, NC area at his healing retreat north of Asheville. And, together with his wife and colleagues, he offers ceremonies to help our community realign ourselves with the living world around us.

He helps us both to give thanks for the gifts of balanced rains, winds and temperatures and to align with the human cycles and the cycles of these times.

Adam is a quiapaquiz (which means weather worker), also known as granicero or tiempero in Spanish. He is responsible for being a liaison between the Weather Beings - rain, clouds, wind, lightning and sun - and the people in his community. As a healer in this lineage, he is known as tepahtiani.

Erin Everett

Erin has been trained in life coaching by Newfield Network and has apprenticed with multiple alternative medicine healers. She supports the international spiritual-social movement nonprofit called Sacred Fire and has spent decades learning from the trainings, teachers and elders available there and within her spiritual lineage.

Erin Everett is a weather worker, ceremonial leader and initiated healer in her spiritual lineage. In 2003, along with Adam, she was initiated in the ancient and unbroken tradition of weather workers in Central Mexico by master weather worker don Lucio Campos de Elizalde. She was struck by lightning in her youth, which is a known calling to the tradition of working with weather. In Spanish, weather workers like her and her compadres are known as graniceros (workers with hail) and tiemperos (workers with time). In Nahuatl, they are known as quiapaquiz (kee-yah-PAH-kees), as well as other traditional names.

She is also an ordained tepahtiani healer in her tradition and offers personal and group healing retreats with Adam at their small forested mountainside healing center in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina.